To Friends that are not friends anymore!

I saw an instagram post where my best friend was seen with one of my other friends. Both are my college friends. The twist is my best friend is not my best friend anymore, or atleast she doesn’t consider me her friend anymore.

I was having these thoughts since days that why don’t we talk anymore? Why doesn’t she wants to be friends with me?

She recently visited delhi. Oh did i forget to tell that she lives in bangalore? She didn’t tell me and I didn’t ask. What came in between this simple gesture?

The laughs they shared in the picture made me feel that i was also there at some point of time. You know, even the saddest breakup can’t hurt you this much!

But then i thought the last time i met her, i found out that i no longer share anything common with her. The common string that i had was just college and its been a long time since then.

May be everyone comes for a purpose and then they follow their own separate ways. But really, i didn’t ever think that this would apply to me and my best friend. We were not just ‘like sisters’ but we were sisters.

So really, what happened? What made her so indifferent to me? What makes people so indifferent towards each other that they no longer want to talk to you or see you?

What’s so bigger than our fleeting lives? People are just different experiences. Yes, i understand, we get along with some and we don’t with others. But don’t you think we should always cherish those who were our people? Whom we have loved once whole heartedly? Who were more than our family?

Relationships don’t have to be conditional right? Love is not conditional (My first love taught me this, oh he was magic). Everyone that we have loved, always, and i mean it, always remain in our hearts, in a very special corner where unconditional love resides. We should cultivate THAT corner more often.

I think i have to adapt to my same old feeling of change is the only constant, and let our paths diverge our own different directions, making way for new encounters. But deep down that corner will always wish our paths to cross once again and bring that ‘us’ back.

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