Smile please 🤠

When someone vents out frustration on you, it clears means he is disturbed.

So, how should we behave in that situation with that person? And how we really behave, is a lot more different in reality.

We should behave politely, console him/her. Pamper her a little, to make her feel better and calm her down. We can make a lot of difference just by doing that. Just by being polite and kind.

But how do we really behave? We shout back at her or yell at her or probably blame her for all the wrong happening around us. It makes that person distant from us. We ourselves are responsible for that behaviour hence that person won’t respect us enough. He/she will stop sharing her things/experiences, her vulnerability, her tough times and even her good times with us. And, do we really want it? Ofcourse no.

So, if we want to be happy, we need to start sharing happiness with ours, we need to start being the reason for other person’s smile without expecting anything in return.

When we’ll make other person happy, our happiness will automatically grow manifolds.

So be the reason for someone’s happiness today!

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